Master Program Molecular und Cellular Biology

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Encounters between Art and Biology

Symposium 12. June 2024


We kindly invite you to the Symposium of the Chair of Life Sciences in Society


June 12th, 2024, 12 - 6pm

LMU Biozentrum; Large Auditorium B00.019

Großhaderner Str. 2, 82152 Planegg-Martinsried


The ethos of openness, curiosity, and critical inquiry is at the core of both scientific and artistic practices. Encounters between them, such as when scientists and artists borrow from each other’s methodological repertoire or venture into collaborations, can bring new, often surprising perspectives. As these cross-fertilizations have increasingly taken on meaning both in the arts and sciences, it is time to reflect upon expectations and insights from the most common format of public-facing events of artistic communication of science. What more is there to learn from such encounters?

The Symposium Encounters presents the many multiple facets of such collaborations between artists and scholars, and how new encounters of such sorts can inspire important discussions about science, art, and their role in society on pressing (ecological) issues of current times.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 628 7287 4670
Passcode: 217168

Please register by May 31st, 2024 through this link or by email to

We hope to be able to welcome you in June and thank you in advance for advertising the event with your colleagues, students, and others interested in art-science collaborations!